Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Did you get out and vote today? If not you must be one of those smart people that voted early or submitted an absentee ballot. During election campaigns we often hear about inappropriate government spending, but I recently read an article in the St. Pete Times about a government funded program that deserves a bigger budget.

Ways to Work provides a means for parents with credit challenges to secure financing for an auto loan with a decent interest rate. The article by Nicole Johnson suggested that the program dealt with some issues managing default rates when they started serving Pinellas County in 1999. Through experience and refinement of their selection criteria Ways to Work has been able to operate successfully since last year. In addition to assistance with auto loans, Ways to Work provides counseling on rebuilding credit. The vision behind the program focuses on providing reliable transportation as the foundation of getting your credit on the right track.

Family and Friends Financial offers a free membership program providing credit knowledge and information on personal finance. If you are not already a member click here to sign up for FREE.


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